Monday, April 23, 2012

The Sports Complex - Big League Dream or Nightmare?

The Proposted Sports Complex is set to transform Elk Grove for decades to come. We look at the major players, and how one company may have an unfair advantage.


Amid new accusations of misbehavior by School District Negotiators, is the EGUSD keeping their promise of improving relations with employee unions?  We ask: What Happened?

All, on this edition of RadioElkGrove. Let's look into it together.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

The 12th Annual Elk Grove State of the City Address

To be, or not to be...Local Business Loyal?” The city council accepts the decision of the Superior Court in the Downtown Ford case, and now stands at a decision point. 


Our 2 part coverage of the 12th Annual Elk Grove “State of the City” Address.

     Part 1: The Address Overview. 

     Part 2: The Candidates' Response

Plus, a special Op-Ed piece on Campaign Finance. “Elk Grove's Fight for Freedom.

All, on this weeks edition of RadioElkGrove. Let's look into it together.