Monday, April 23, 2012

The Sports Complex - Big League Dream or Nightmare?

The Proposted Sports Complex is set to transform Elk Grove for decades to come. We look at the major players, and how one company may have an unfair advantage.


Amid new accusations of misbehavior by School District Negotiators, is the EGUSD keeping their promise of improving relations with employee unions?  We ask: What Happened?

All, on this edition of RadioElkGrove. Let's look into it together.

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“Big League Dreams”: Chino based company Big League Dreams presents an exciting plan that could transform Elk Grove. but it isn't all roses.  Is it a big league dream, or a big league nightmare?
Listen to news in a new tab/window.

Cosumnes CSD and SportsPlex USA: We hear from our existing community partner, and a company that some say have an unfair advantage in the proposal process.
Listen to news in a new tab/window.

"What Happened? AFSCME and the EGUSD": It does no use to ask "what's changed" because nothing HAS changed. But who do we believe, and who is the author of this ongoing conflict?
 Listen to news in a new tab/window.

Story Resources

Big League Dreams Website Click Here

Presentations of Big League Dreams and the Cosumnes CSD at the City Council Meeting 4-11-2012
Click here. (Video. Click on Items 4.1 and 4.2 on the left and you'll jump to it.)

Cosumnes CSD's Bartholomew Sports Park Master Plan Diagram (existing facility) Click Here

SportsPlex USA website. Click Here

Minutes of Town Hall Meeting with SportsPlex USA on 5-4-2011 Click Here

Elk Grove Staff Report: Economic Analysis of Sports Center with Input from SportsPlex USA
Click Here

Nancy Clifford's Remarks before the EGUSD Click Here

Chart of AFSCME Employee Compensation and Healthcare costs. Click Here.

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