We visit with the Elk Grove Community Foundation as they grant scholarships to local students, and look into “The Swingtime Dance” event – one of the most unique fund-raisers in Elk Grove.
Plus, an Update on Governor Brown's tax initiative that will have a major impact on our teachers and the school district budget. Is it time to Celebrate? In our news section.
All, on this weeks edition of RadioElkGrove.
Two Tax initiatives in One:Governor Brown and the California Federation of Teachers have merged their two tax proposals, increasing the chances of passage by voters in November. Is it time to celebrate? In our "Headline News" segment.
Listen to the Headlines in a new tab/window
Got and Extra $65 Million?: How the EGUSD is planning to spend the massive reserves they've accumulated. Sounds like good news, but is it realistic?
Listen to this item in a new tab/window.
Scholarship Awards Selection: The Elk Grove Community Foundation has developed a program that puts both the giving and the receiving in anyone's hands.
Listen to this item in a new tab/window.
Swingtime: One of the most unique fund-raisers in Elk Grove is the city's best kept secret.
Listen to this item in a new tab/window.
This Week's Resources
Resources: (Click the item you want.)
Brown/CFT Tax Initiative Compromise
KQED Capitol Notes: Analysis of Initiative Merger
Elk Grove Citizen: Lawsuit over Guest House
Elk Grove Citizen Article “City Options if Gary Davis Elected”
Elk Grove Citizen: 2011 Foreclosures
Elk Grove Citizen: Judge Seeks School Board Seat
EGUSD 2011-2012 Budget Update Presentation
Elk Grove Citizen take on our story.: $65 million surplus puts Elk Grove School District in better position if November ballot defeated
Elk Grove Community Foundation Website.
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