What IS Interest-Based Bargaining? Listen to this item in a new tab/window
“Have I got your interest?” Listen to this item in a new tab/window
The conflict betweeen School District and Teachers is coming to a crucial point this week, as they go to Fact finding, Monday March 5th The current interaction of the school district and the teachers association could change Elk Grove's future.
This, and the weeks News Headlines on this weeks edition of RadioElkGrove Listen to news in a new tab/window.
Interest-Based Bargaining Resources
EGUSD Q&A Negotiations Update dated February 21, 2012
EGEA Information Flyer on “Working to Contract” http://egteachers.org/GoDocUserFiles/304.As%20dedicated%20teachers1.5.11Parents.pdf
Cornell University sources on Interest-Based Bargaining:
Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations Human Capital Conference http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/hcd/catalog/LR304.html
Cornell Publication research study “Interest-Based Bargaining in Education” c. 2003
The New Beyond Intractability article on Interest-Based Bargaining c. 2003 http://www.beyondintractability.org/node/2691
EGEA/EGUSD 2010-2012 Contract.
Rich Fagan's report to the Board of Supervisors Feb 15th 2011. http://www.egusd.net/news/budget/pdfs/2011_2012BudgetDevelopment.pdf
Thank you for another thoughtful look at the dynamic occurring between labor and management in our school district. You have done an excellent job describing interest based bargaining and what it should look like. I can only hope that sometime in the future we can return to the foundation that made us unique in a state where adversarial bargaining is the norm.
Dear Maggie,
Thanks for being there for us and sharing this amazing resource, GO radioelkgrove!
please explore the thought process by the board that led to the hiring of ladd.
why did the board choose to go in a direction exactly opposed to the pre existing hand in hand approach to negotiations.
ladd was a known union buster before he was hired by the board. why then did they hire a union buster as our super?
is this mind set and relationship between the district and our teachers supported by the people of elk grove?
is this what we want?
is this what is best for our kids?
did you look into how the crook from natomas slipped through and was hired by the board a couple years ago?
does this group have the competence to do the job?
i'm not sure they do.
concerned citizen
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